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2009年3 月27日 (金)


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One ticket to the city center, please.


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O analiza a jocului, din perspectiva unui copil, este facuta de Ion
Creanga în "Amintiri din copilarie". Înconjurat de frati, Nica se
bucura de copilarie, definita, în special, prin joc.jocuri 3d de gatit


Games and entertainment are more intense in all ages of childhood and tineretii.Stim the ante or pre-school age children to play all the time. It gives them more flexibility to their behaviors and especially to develop imagination and creativity, all through the game is expressed and the degree of psychological development. We often say: acts as a> or >; it due to excessive involvement in entertainment leading to an immature personality, childish.
The game requires a plan, setting a goal and setting some rules, that can finally achieve a certain action that produces satisfaction. The child ego state game, his personality. Adult states through the activities they carry, but the child has no other option than the affirmation of the game. Later, he can say and school activity. School activity is recovered by notes, they are summed up in the middle of the learning outcome being late in terms of evaluation, while the game is consumed as an activity creating joy and satisfaction of the action it contains.


2010年3 月

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